
About Aetria

At Aetria, everything we do starts with our hearts. We know how important your health is. We are aware that there are multiple parties working in tandem to proactively take care of your well-being. At the heart of your well-being ecosystem is the role of the caregivers. We also understand that health and well-being factors in every person, family, village, province, region, or country vary; therefore, it is our mission to listen with our hearts, to empathize with your constraints and challenges, and to co-design with you bespoke solutions tailored to your context. Our trusted partner network is also always ready to help embellish our work for you.

Aetria is co-founded in 2020 by a medical doctor, Dr Kongkiat Kespetchara's Open Source Technology company, together with a strategy execution and capability building firm, BridgeAsia, after more than two years of close collaboration. We share the same passion and commitment: to improve the well-being of the people we help serve through payors and providers; as well as to proactively support the caregivers in the health and well-being ecosystem. Both parties are equally dedicated to the success of Aetria, and the people who join our mission to deliver on our promise. We are prepared to commit to the long journey, which we believe will take at least 15+ years, equipped with an army of dedicated people and a sustainable business model.

It would be our honor to earn your trust.

About Open Source Technology

About Open Source Technology

Dr Kongkiat and his team have been working tirelessly, over almost 20 years, to help as many people as possible for their health and well-being needs through public and private hospitals, and clinics. Collectively, his systems are deployed at more than 180 hospitals and 300 clinics, representing more than 6,000 total beds, and taking care of more than 12 million patient visits per year, across Thailand. (These figures include Hospital OS and iMed systems, both developed by Dr Kongkiat and his team.)

Entering into his third decade as a health and well-being innovator, Dr Kongkiat is working with BridgeAsia to modernize his data-driven health platforms with the latest technology architecture and frameworks. He also believes that after putting providers at the center of his solutions for the past 10+ years, he should now focus on the patient and their well-being.

Dr Kongkiat believes that there are many person-centric health and well-being activities that can be conducted remotely with technology to uplift the patient experience, across pre-, in-, and post-hospital journeys. He also believes that with data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enablement, our scarce healthcare resources can be better leveraged for the benefit of people’s well-being across a larger geography and population.

Though Aetria is a separate, newly established entity, it will leverage the existing customer base and experience of the Open Source Technology team to create new flagship, cloud-based platforms and business models tailored to improving the health and well-being systems in Thailand, and across Asia.

About BridgeAsia

About BridgeAsia

BridgeAsia's healthcare journey started a little over three years ago at one of the largest and most prestigious teaching hospitals in Thailand. They needed to replace their aging Hospital Information System; and despite not having any hospital experience in our 30+ years in business, we have been assisting their journey to become a people-driven, data-enabled smart hospital.

Today, we work with three of the top teaching hospitals and several leading private hospitals in Thailand. We continue to be humble, as we learn and challenge ourselves in finding the best approach to optimize the healthcare and well-being ecosystem and resources, across private and public networks nationwide, to better serve the people.

At BridgeAsia, we strongly believe that healthcare and well-being is a basic human right, although in reality it is furthest from the truth. It is our quest to inspire and empower a new generation of health and well-being system leaders, workers, and supporters to help us narrow the gap. We will always honor the intellectual property of our partners, past, present, and future, as we know it will require a concerted team effort to make tangible, system wide changes. We are honored that Dr Kongkiat shares our passion, and our joint commitment is the genesis for Aetria with the focused mission to extend our impact across Asia.